Why do we view Exercise as a Luxury??

Some people realize that exercise is necessary for good health, quality of life, and weight management but it becomes an activity that MANY say I’ll do once my schedule frees up. I have two responses for such… “Tomorrow is not promised”! Why put off till later what you can do now?

A Medical report reads as follows…

  1. · Box  Lose now, remove ALL from diet OR you will
  2. Box  begin replacing, incorporating and adding so, THIS ·
  3. Box It’s too late! Your levels are in Red, organs have taken a turn for the worst!

The average American has heard one of the above in some form!!!

Many people are simply not motivated enough to begin an exercise routine. Rather from lack of knowledge in what to do or just in a mental battle within themselves and their physical being.

You may view exercise as something that is too much work, or something that is just not for you. Are you aware of the infinite forms of exercise that are so prevalent not one can count!! Stretching your body is an exercise, in fact! One of the most important.

Perhaps you have tried exercising in the past and were met with failure, leading to an easy defeat. Try again, a different form, join a group, do it for a cause (non profit) so at least you get the double high from a positive perspective.

A lack of motivation to exercise can be detrimental to your physical health and well-being. Exercise contributes to longevity in life and overall functioning of the body.

*Research shows the most common reasons why people start and stop an exercise program…

  • perceived lack of TIME. Five minutes daily can form into a satisfying habit.
  • lack of SUPPORT. Make sure you are doing THIS FOR YOU! show up for yourself.
  • lack of KNOWLEDGE. GTS!!! (Simple as that, you do it for everything else)
  • Past traumas ; exercise related injuries, discomfort
  • Exercise is not fun. Is being diagnosed with a health crisis better?!

Is lack of motivation a mental health issue?

We all face periods where we might procrastinate or not feel like getting something done. There are times, however, when it’s a possible symptom of a mental health disorder.

  • a severe lack of motivation… Avolition, as a symptom of various

forms of psychopathology, is the decrease in the ability to initiate and persist in self- directed purposeful activities. A person experiencing avolition may stay at home for long periods of time, rather than seeking out work or peer relations.


  1. Watch TV and exercise if that suits you.  
  2. Prepare meals ahead of time,try just 3 a day!
  3. Five minutes of movement a day can create a routine over time
  4. Exercise your brain; with reading even a good label for nutrition content
  5. Get a pet… They’re too active to sit in the house lol
  6. Be positive to yourself
  7. Set Goals
  8. Exercise with a friend
  9. Get some Sleep, that helps rejuvenate your mind and body
  10. Make small changes to healthier options overtime2