Exercise rehabilitator aiding survivors in learning to live wholeheartedly
 “I provide unconventional techniques to assist survivors in learning to live and love life in  spite of…


In-Home Travel   

Exercise Recovery / PRIVATE training

Virtual OR In-Person

*Inquire for Monthly discounted rate*

Group “Virtual “ Exercise Recovery

Exercise Recovery

(Wednesday at 6pm CST via zoom)

-Survivors Converse ” Group talk

(Wednesday at 7pm CST via zoom)

So, together we will
● First and foremost change our way of thinking by adapting a positive mindset.
● EXERCISE; as it signals the brain to release endorphins.
● Maintain a routine, as we build motivation to achieve new goals.
● Share and collect information, as lack of knowledge can be a barrier in itself.
● Push each other to move forward as accountability partners.
● Refine understanding through discussion and explanation.
● Give and receive feedback on performance.
● Develop stronger communication and social skills.
● Facilitate giving and receiving support, whilst finding your “voice”
● Understand different perspectives and transitions
● Build self-discovery and confidentiality 

*Most importantly, to realize you’re not alone.

Motivation during stroke recovery doesn’t just come from within; it comes from our surroundings and the people in our life.
*You can count on me…
I am bringing my educational health background plus my first hand experience on physically living through the trials of losing independence and learning how to regain and grab hold of living and enjoying life again.

Amazing Coversations with Survivors

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